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Essay Database > Entertainment > Movies & Film
The 1970s were a creative high point in the US film industry and Hollywood was renewed and reborn - it was also a box-office-oriented decade. Hollywood's economic crises in the 1950s and 1960s, especially during the war against the lure of television, were somewhat eased with the emergence in the 70s of summer "blockbuster" movies marketed to mass audiences, especially following the awesome success of 27 year-old Steven Spielberg's Jaws (1975) and 33 year-old George Lucas' Star Wars (1977). …

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…first videocassette recorder) in 1975 and after the release of the first films on videotape in 1977 by the Magnetic Video Corporation (the company had licensed fifty films for release from 20th Century Fox). VHS video players, video laser disc players and the release of films on videocassette tapes and discs skyrocketed, creating a new industry and adding revenue for the movie studios. Gone With the Wind (1939) first aired on network TV in 1976 and drew huge audiences