Movie Review: Scary Movie

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Essay Database > Entertainment > Movies & Film
Scary Movie? Stupid Movie! I went to the movie theater expecting to see a very funny movie. One reason why I expected this movie to be funny was that it was co-stared and co-written by the Wayans brothers (Shawn and Marlon), considered the best comedians in Hollywood. Sadly, my expectations were not met and I was very disappointed with the movie Not to be entirely brutal and to give it some credit there were very …

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…head first? These and other jokes in the film I really find stupid and not amusing. This is really the stupidest comedy film I have ever seen. This is because the film Scary Movie is just a bunch of slapstick and gross-out humor put on top of each other having no originality for its plot. I do not recommend this film to anyone unless you are either stoned from smoking marijuana or dying of boredom.