Movie Review-Happy Gilmore

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Essay Database > Recreation & Sports
The main character of this movie is a character named Happy Gilmore. The movie begins with Happy describing his past life and how he is into hockey. He also talks about how his father is also obsessed with hockey, how his mother left them because of that, and how his father died by getting hit in the head with a puck. Happy developed a short fuse because of this, which is showed by him hitting …

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…Chubs who has died and it gives him the motivation to win the tournament. Overall, I'd give this movie a rating of 3. It was funny, but gets old toward the end. The end is also predictable as far as what will happen to the house and if Happy will win it from Shooter who bought it earlier in the movie. I have seen it numerous times, and will probably see it many more. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **Bibliography**