Mobile Phones/Internet

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Essay Database > Literature > English
Mobile/Cell Phones Mobile phones have changed the way the world communicates. With the invention of the cellular phone service in 1983, personal telephones no longer depended on wires. In the 90's it was now possible to connect to the Internet from virtually anywhere in the world from your cellular phone using satellite services. Some countries depend on cellular phones as their main source of communication, such as China. For the people in China, it is …

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…the actual radio stations pay copyrighting fees to the artists so that they can use these songs freely; Napster does not do this. Napster pays no fees to the artists. Napster fought numerous legal fights in court over this issue and came very close to winning. Although Napster may have had many supporting details and evidence in their favor, the Recording Industry came out on top once again, forcing Napster to shut down almost completely.