Mobile Phones should be BANNED!

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Controversial Issues
Why do 3 out of every 4 teenagers have a mobile phone? Mobile phones used to be for most businessmen and doctors for emergencies and business calls. Today, Why are they used as leisure toys? Students are equipped with a mobile phone as ordinarily as with lunchboxes. This is sickening. This new technology brings new ways steal, cheat, bully and act irresponsibly. These negative matters have rapidly become out of hand! Mobile Phones MUST be banned! Mobile …

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…the roads of Victoria. Why do we continue to endanger our lives for the sake of being in contact with others? Mobile phones are proven to cause road accidents. They can jeopardize the lives of human and animals. They can attract unwanted attention of gangs. They can minimize student's learning. They can be used to bully. They can be used to cheat And they are expensive to own. Why bother? Mobile phones MUST be banned!