Mobile Phone Firmware Flashing for Nokia.

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Pages: 55
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Essay Database > Business & Economy > Accounting
INTRODUCTION 1.1 Overview Firmware can be found on any electronic devices such as mobile phone, computer hardware and measurement instrumentation. Basically the downloading codes to the Read Only Memory (ROM) are called flashing. The size of the ROM really depends on the complexity of the hardware and the microcode itself. Thus, the firmware incorporates the microcontroller, operating systems for user interface and data storage as well. Firmware is a matter of software and the internal algorithm …

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…amp;lt;Tab/>Analogue audio output LGND<Tab/>Logic and charging ground Figure A.2: Pinout Connection Connection Pins on the designated phone. Nokia 51/6x/71xx Pin-out (bottom edge of phone) 1 - VIN 2 - CHCTL 3 - MIC 4 - SGND 5 - EAR 6 - MBUS 7 - FBUS RX 8 - FBUS TX 9 - LGND APPENDIX B The 74HC04 Hex Inverter Datasheet <Tab/> APPENDIX C The PIC16F628 Microcontroller Datasheet