Microwaves: Then, Now, and the Future

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Essay Database > History > European History
Microwave ovens were once though of as evil and cancer causing. That view has changed dramatically as the microwave went from an experiment, to what we know today, and will continue to advance years into the future. The purpose of this paper is to give some insight into the past, present, and future of the little box that cooks our food oh-so-quickly - the microwave oven. The technology used in making the first microwave was …

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…In the future of microwave ovens, one huge advancement that is hopefully being made is blasting air into the cooking chamber. This air, which is heated to extremely high temperatures, will brown the outside of whatever it is you're cooking, as well as give it a nice crispy outside. This is wanted because of the loss of it to the conventional microwave oven. Who wouldn't want oven like results in a quarter of the time?