Michael Griffin

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Controversial Issues
The Murder trial of Michael Griffin, the admitted shooter of an abortionist in Florida, is beginning; a media circus is sure to follow. Amid the usual pejoratives, i.e., "Christian Fundamentalist," we will be told that Griffin was delusional, due to pictures of dead fetuses and other "anti-abortion propaganda." There is a question, however, that thinking people, regardless of their position on abortion, should ask themselves. Is there something about the current political and moral …

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…risk the loss of position, power, or income that is sure to follow committed opposition to the killing of pre born children. Michael Griffin may be delusional, but delusion is often born of frustration, and frustration is an inevitable by product of an increasingly Tyrannical Society that is devoid of Truth, lacking in Moral Leadership and impervious to Democratic Change. As for pictures of mutilated babies, the victims of abortion, that's not delusion, that's reality!