Menendez Brothers

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Essay Database > Society & Culture > People
The Menendez brothers are two very disturbed people that lived very disturbed lives. They killed their parents in cold blood and tried to cover it up. Both of them are lying dishonest people so no one will ever know what actually took place the night they killed their parents, but I believe that they did it not for revenge, but for greed. Jose dreamed that Lyle would attend an Ivy League college. Lyle, who was …

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…finished. He shot both Jose and Kitty near the left knee. The final act the killers performed was to carefully gather the shell casings from the spreading pools of blood that now covered the couch, floor and rug under the coffee table. This was the scenario that the police and medical examiner pieced together about the murders of Jose and Kitty Menendez. Years later, the killers would provide an entirely different account of the murders.