Men in Dance

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Men have played and continue to play a huge role in the development, history, and style of dance performance. Researching George Balanchine, Gene Kelly, Bob Fosse, and Savion Glover, I found that each of them contributed to the dance world in different ways. George Balanchine, a Russian-born American choreographer, was one of the foremost choreographers in the history of ballet, particularly in the neoclassical style. He was trained at the Imperial Ballet Academy and studied …

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…for his dancing and choreography of the current Broadway smash-hit; Bring In Da Noize, Bring In Da Funk. Savion has danced on concert stages throughout the world, including the Moulin Rouge, Lincoln Center, and Carnegie Hall. He recently choreographed a work for the Washington Society for the Performing Arts in association with the NEA and has just received an Endowment Grant for Choreography, making him the youngest person in NEA history to receive this honor.