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Essay Database > Science & Technology
-MEDICARE- Many articles have been written about the medicare program in Canada. It's a real intense topic in Canada today. This brief essay is based on the costs of medicare , an introduction to the medicare program, and if our country Canada can afford the medicare program. Each province supports a medicare program. The medicare plans were started in 1961-1962. Canada has a highest common financed, privately delivered health care system that is best descibed as …

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…province. Canadians do not pay immediately for insured hospital and physicians services, nor are they required to fill out forms for insured services. There are no deductibles, co-payments or dollar limits on coverage for insured services. Dentists, for example, work independantly of the health care system, except where in-hospital dental surgery is required while nurses are usually employed in the hospital sector. They also provide community health care including home care and public health services.