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Essay Database > Law & Government > Government & Politics
Medicare In 1965, president Lyndon Baines Johnson launched his Great Society program, its primary focus to aid in making American society a better place, hence the name. He targeted areas like employment, education, and medicine. Concerning medicine, it was difficult for many elderly citizens to pay health care costs after retirement. Johnson would abruptly push through the Medicare Act, which would provide the elderly with health insurance to cover and hospital costs. Medicare only applied to …

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…home. The amount given to physicians remained somewhat constant at 27%, as did the nursing facilities at 4%. The biggest change dealt with money outside the hospital. Home health care rose to 7%, and 9% was alloted to hospital outpatients. Will this more even of a distribution trend continue? Only time can tell us for now. Deciding how funds will be dealt to each area is only a minor concern compared to agreeing on the amount of funds itself.