Medical Revolution

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Essay Database > Literature > English
Medical Revolution Marijuana has been an illegal drug in the United States since the 1930's. Before this, it was a plant that was highly used for its industrial, medical, and spiritual value. But at the beginning of the century, it was thrown into the group of Class 1 drugs, meaning that it had a relatively high rate of abuse, and was not accepted to have any medical value. This class of drugs also includes such illegal …

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…testing that "marijuana is one of the safest therapeutically active substances known to man." (quoted in Herer 35). But still, our government continues to ignore this evidence and force countless patients to either suffer or break the law just to get relief. This injustice needs to end. Our government and society need to reexamine the facts revolving around marijuana as a medicine, and at least allow organizations to further look into its legalization for medical purposes.