Media Violence

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Pages: 7
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Essay Database > Arts & Humanities
In the past 4 years, there has been a significant amount of violence in films, television, music, and on the news. Ever since Columbine High School, there has been a crack down on violence in the media. This has put actors, directors, and artists to censor there own artistic view and also ignore the 1st ammedment, freedom of speech. The question is how far is too far and how can it be stopped? Does the media …

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…film, music, and news coverage all are deeply impacting our lives and ahave a always been a part of our life and social status. Hateful lyrics, violence in both tv and films will not commit someone to kill themself or kill others. That is up to that one person that decides to do so. It's more of a psychological experiment with the human mind to answer the question, whay would someone commit such a thing?