Media Violence

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Essay Database > Literature > English
Whenever the thought of how television affects children pops into someone mind, the first thing that they think about is the amount of violence on television. Most mass communication scientists, as well as most people in general tend to feel that more violence a child witnesses on television, the more aggressive he or she becomes.Over 1000 studies have been done to confirm this link. People believe that essentially, media violence legitimizes and contributes to a …

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…his baby sister. His mother immediately blamed the incident on the animated MTV show Beavis and Butthead, a show that features two teenage boys prone to bouts of pyromania. MTV argued that Beavis and Butthead come on late in the evening, usually after 10 PM. At that time of night, what the child was watching should have been being monitored because most shows that are on that late at night are intended for more mature audiences.