Me myself and I a narrative essay written for a friend describing a day when a girl finds her best friend is herself.

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Essay Database > Literature > Creative Writing
Me, Myself, and I I was on my way to the park on a Tuesday morning to play a leisurely game of baseball with a couple of good friends of mine. I do this every week. I saw my friend Kasey while I was walking to the park, when she saw me she ran to hide behind a big green palm tree. So I snuck behind a nearby white picket fence to get to the …

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…just taken. As the picture slowly developed I noticed something very strange about the Polaroid picture, there was only one person in the picture. Me, I was wearing a brand new blue cap with white letters, an old faded pair of jeans, with a yellow jersey, and stains on my right and left side of my clothing. That's when I suddenly realized Rhonda, Steve, and Kasey were and still is just me, myself, and I.