Marriage & Divorce

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Pages: 7
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Essay Database > Society & Culture > Religion
In our lives we are faced with many decisions. In some decisions we are given specific commandments to follow when making them. Marriage is one of the decisions. Perhaps one of the most important decisions we will make is choosing the person we will spend the rest of our lives with. This is not a decision that should be taken lightly. As Christians, we have certain things we should take into consideration when making that …

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…forever. There are too many things that society has changed about marriage, and Christians have become too tolerant of those changes. Christians are lucky that we have the Bible to fall back on when we are confused about situations concerning marriage, but we are reluctant to use it. Consequently, many Christian marriages are failing. If we just remember to keep Christ first in all things, especially marriage, He will take care of us. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **Bibliography**