Market Feasibility Study of Ottawa Housing

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Essay Database > Business & Economy > Companies
5.3 Market Feasibility Currently the housing market in Ottawa is highly favourable for the seller. This provides a unique environment for seniors, who are typically home owners and mortgage free, to sell their existing dwellings and provide means for sustaining a lifestyle. Family ties and current residence in Orleans make it likely that seniors will take up residence in Orleans, this is born out by the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC) that the proportion of …

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…of Golden Years. The two major treats come from the potential that an existing competitor would expand or a peripheral competitor like a rental developer would enter the market. There is currently place in the market and no significant deterrents. As a result these risks should be assumed. The opportunity lies in a well designed facility with proper community integration and a first to market strategy that should be aggressively leveraged into significant market share.