Man on fire

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Essay Database > Literature > Creative Writing
Man on fire "Man on fire" is a great and touching movie, which tells a story of a bodyguard names "John Creasy". Creasy was hired to protect a young daughter of a wealthy Mexico City couple "Pita" from getting kidnapped. <Tab/>Creasy has a lot in common with Jesus. He has scars in his hands; he sometimes looks heavenwards why God has forsaken him. He has God's word on his mind …

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…with grief. But at the end, it was all sunny, after his life changed, and after he saw Pita again. Lastly, the volcano that he looked at was he sadness inside of him, his blowing depression. <Tab/>In conclusion, this is a great movie to watch. And as we all watched it, there are some morals that we should learn from it. Morals that will help us further in our future.