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Essay Database > Society & Culture > Geography
In the heart of Southeast Asia lies one of the world's most enchanting lands--Malaysia with its diverse of culture and hospitable people, exotic cuisine, fascinating festivals, quaint villages and modern skylines. Malaysia is bordered by Thailand to the north, Singpore and Indonesia to south and southeast. Malaysia is situated on the Equator, so the weather is hot and wet along the year. Generally, Malaysia has three main races: Malay, Chinese, Indian and the oldest inhabitants …

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…and the world's largest orang utan sanctuary at Sepilok and turtles on Turtle Island Park. While Sarawak has a large limestone cave--the Mulu Cave. In conclusion, Malaysia has a long and varied history, colourful cultures, friendly people, plenty of festival and delicious cuisines. Malaysia is the treasure of the orient, designer goods and local handycraft. With its competitive ringgit exchange and government gives a great afford on promoting tourism, Malaysia has attracted lot of visitors.