Major Themes and more insight on "the Lord of the Rings: the Return of the King" by J.R.R Tolkien

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Essay Database > Literature
Storytelling: In an explicit sense, Bilbo, Frodo and Sam are engaged in a literary endeavor, involving the chronicling of their adventures. After a major event has occurred, Sam often wonders how the story will be remembered and whether his own heroics will be forgotten. More often than not, the stories of the heroes that are presented in the trilogy are in a song form, rather than a written literary form. Many of the songs are …

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…the importance of saying certain words or not saying other words. Tolkien's Christian perspective also plays a role in his organization of Middle Earth. He and his colleague, C.S. Lewis, both create worlds that seek to understand the role of the individual's free will and the ability to choose between good and evil. The power-play between the forces of freedom and the dark lord, Sauron, simulate the battle between good and evil on earth.