Machiavelli's "The Prince".

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Politics
The Prince What would it take to be a Prince and stay in power? In the story of the Prince, Machiavelli writes about some controversial ways to keep power, if you were a Prince. After reading this story I asked my self the question, do I agree with Machiavelli's methods. If I were the Prince and was presented with Machiavelli's treatise, I would accept and his ideas and advice. Machiavelli, first makes the point of …

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…future of warfare, and still to this day, leaders govern through fear, such as X Iraq leader-Saddam. With these examples, I am left to feel great pride in my country an say "God Bless America". Works Cited The Norton Anthology of World Literature, Second Edition; Volume C Niccolo Machiavelli. " The Prince" (1)Chapter XIV, Internet (2) Chapter IX, Internet