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Essay Database > Literature > English
Macbeth Much literature examines individuals who, as a result of choice or circumstance, find themselves in situations that significantly affect the course of their lives. These individuals make some wrong choices that later result in the downfall in their lives. In the play Macbeth by William Shakespeare the main character Macbeth changes the course of his life by the choices he makes, and the circumstances that influenced him. These changes can be the result of …

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…witches. Macbeth was a victim of his own doings. Macbeth chose to listen to Lady Macbeth and the witches and to commit those murders. Then Macbeth was influenced by his wife, Lady Macbeth, because of his weakness as a man. Last Macbeth was influenced by the witches because he was too blind to see the reality behind the prophecies. Macbeth chose to make these choices and later he had to take the responsibility for them.