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Essay Database > History > North American History
William Shakespeare's "Macbeth" is a tragedy about a war hero named Macbeth, who follows his ambition with evil and who is repaid with evil. Macbeth demonstrates what can happen when one does not follow their conscience. The main character, Macbeth begins the play as a strong character that is greatly admired. Macbeth's strive for power affects every aspect of his life, and eventually leads to his death. Macbeth's wife, the three witches, and Macbeth's own …

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…to his downfall where he was destined to pay the price. Lastly, Macbeth acknowledges his guilt in several places in the story. Macbeth is aware that his thoughts are corrupt and he knows that justice will somehow punish him. However, even with all his power, Macbeth makes no attempt to reverse the situation and is thereby responsible for his tragic fate and therefore should not be exonerated for his wicked deeds that he had committed.