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Essay Database > Literature
In the story "MacBeth" by William Shakespear, MacBeth and Lady MacBeth are both guilty characters. Lady MacBeth plans the murder and MacBeth does the deed. Soon later they both go insane Lady MacBeth ends up killing herself, and MacBeth ends up killing others for no apparent reason. But who is more guilty? Lady MacBeth, who plans this murder or MacBeth who actually commits the crime. <Tab/>MacBeth is confused about the …

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…fault in this murder. MacBeth has second thoughts at the beginning but Lady MacBeth pushes him over the edge. She's determined to become queen and won't let MacBeth keep her from achieving that goal. MacBeth eventually murders Duncan but after feels guilty. Although Lady MacBeth didn't actually kill Duncan she's just as much responsible as MacBeth. MacBeth is also guilty because even though he was regretful after the deed was done, he still committed murder.