MY HOMETOWN This esssay describes the hometown of the writer in Onitsha, Anambra Nigeria and some feutures found in both the state and Home town

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MY HOMETOWN Our hometown is where our roots lie; that is where our ancestors were born. My roots lie in a colossal town called Onitsha in Anambra State, Nigeria. Onitsha is what can be referred to as the "Nigerian New York." This is because of the similar features it has to New York in terms of job opportunities. It is a place where a person can better his way of life financially. Onitsha is a …

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…My town has also produced great African leaders and heroes such as Late Dr. Nnamdi Azikiwe otherwise known as the great Zik of Africa who was also the first Nigerian president and assumed office in 1963. That was three years after Nigerians independence. My town is a very sophisticated place to visit, and I will recommend anyone who is visiting Nigeria to explore my town; I assure him that he will take pleasure in the trip.