Love and Death in Stephen King's "Pet Sematary"

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The Wendigo appears in two quite different realms in Pet Sematary. Louis first meets it in the dream land beyond the deadfall, where its forms are somewhat vague and mythical. He later meets it in the ordinary world, where it inhabits the body of his dead two-year-old son, Gage. The dream land occurs in a physical setting as well as in Louis's dreams. It is the realm of the Indian Woods, where the Micmac Burial …

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…e accepts this, then one goes on, as Norma Crandall says one must with aging; otherwise "you ended up in a small room writing letters home with Crayolas" (33). If we refuse to accept death, whether of loved ones or of the self, if we will not let the dead be dead, then there is only that small, loveless, insane room, where the cold hand falls upon the living shoulder, and the dirt-filled voice says, "Darling."