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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
Love is the abstract term for affection, in its most intense potency, the most exquisite positive feeling in the emotional spectrum. Love can be felt subjectively or objectively, and generally refers, but is not restricted to, interpersonal relationships. There are many types of love; romantic love, family love, platonic love and objective love, as well as love for more general concepts such as love of (a) God, or love of knowledge, love of nature, etc. …

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…do not do it justice. Love binds society, it lives in all of our hearts. It does not discriminate, does not see the colour of one's skin, or the money in one's pocket, and every human deserves to love and be loved. Love allows me to dream. It gives me hope in humanity, where there is often none, and it is the only concept I can find to defend all the ugliness in the world.