Lord of the Rings: The Departure of the Fellowship

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Essay Database > Literature > Creative Writing
Contemporary audiences can read and appreciate Shakespeare's plays today because they understand many of the discourses operating in the play Othello also operate today. However as Jason Kang's short story demonstrates, modern writers are just as likely to challenge Shakespeare's view. This is one of the countless feasible short stories written by Jason Kang that follows the intriguing The Lord of the Rings Trilogy by J.R.R. Tolkien. THE LORD OF THE RINGS: THE …

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…tells me to go to Khazad-dum, my heart does not allow me to forget my devoted, faithful and loyal friends, especially you Legolas, who I owe my life to for the many times you saved mine. It will, furthermore, be great to see Frodo, Sam, Gandalf and I will also be able to look upon the face of Galadriel one more time." Legolas laughed. "As for me, I would not be without your company Gimli."