Lord of the Rings: How evil is shown

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Essay Database > Entertainment > Movies & Film
EVIL <Tab/>In the movie ; The Lord of the Rings, there are several different ways evil is shown. This movie revolves around good and evil and J.R.R Tolkien, the author, shows that very well. Evil is something that is bad or a curse of some sort. Through the enemies and battles, evil is shown throughout the entire movie. <Tab/>The main character, Frodo Baggins, deals …

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…are also many good things that come out of the movie The Lord of the Rings. Evil can be seen in many ways, weather it be bravery, fighting or death in good ways or by sorrow, fright or unloyalty in bad ways. Which ever it may be that J.R.R. Tolkien is trying to get across in his books and movies, there are many ways in which things can be interpreted. Good or evil.