Lord of the Flies

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Essay Database > Literature > Novels
Lord of the Flies What is man's human nature? Is it order and government or is it chaos and anarchy? The general question is this is man good or bad? According to William Golding man's human nature is defective, corrupted, basically bad. In his book Lord Of The Flies, Golding clearly demonstrates what he believes society's human nature is. Lord Of The Flies may seem like a story about some kids who happened to be …

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…what humans would do when exposed to a situation like that. We as people are killing each other. Look at past years, wars like WWI, WWII, Vietnam, the Korean War, and Star Wars, which probably would have caused us to kill our human race had it broken out into nuclear war. Although we may try to become civilized and seemingly have been succeeding at it we can never escape the beast in all of us.