Lord of the Flies

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Essay Database > Literature > English
Lord of the Flies The Lord of the Flies had 4 main characters: Ralph, Simon, Jacky, and Piggy. All of the boys had a profound impact on the book but one boy was very intense and amazing. That boy was Simon. Simon was the kind of person who kept to himself and looked at the world from a different point of view. His disease made him take life much more seriously than the rest of the …

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…is when he realized that the beast was in control but was harmless. The parachuter was the adult supervision and when Simon saw that he was dead, the beast would creep inside the boys. The Lord of the Flies had many characters but if there were one character that could not be replaced, it would be Simon. The story would not have been the same without his good presence and mystic qualities, which are unequal.