Lord of Rings Movie analysis

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Essay Database > Arts & Humanities > Film & TV
The main theme is the battle between good and evil, and about good in the end always succeeds (nothing near to the complexity of things in the book itself, but it's only the big line...). The 'battle' is no imagenary battle, but takes really place: In the end 'The Battle of Five Armies' is fought. The story takes place in Middle-Earth, in the Third Age of it's history. It's a land and time of Elves, …

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…out a hobbit, so why don't call it 'The Hobbit'? The book is written in an easy readable way, with a mysterious and old, but not a complex form. In Dutch it's even rather a child-bedtime-story-book than a fantasy novel. So don't read it in Dutch or any other language but English!! The climax is in the end, the final battle (chapter 17). After the battle is won everything is peaceful and (almost) everybody is happy.