Line Noise

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Essay Database > Science & Technology
Line Quality Guide Achieving a reliable Internet connection as close to 56K as possible is something every Internet user strives to achieve. However, due to line conditions and phone companies, the dream of every surfer is shattered into something reminiscent of 5 year old 33.6 technology. The general rule of thumb is that to obtain speeds greater than 33.6, one must live within 2-3 miles of the telephone company's switch box. The further out, the more degraded the …

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…dB difference), the modem on that connects 4.8K faster on an analog connection than a digital one. But remember, the highest speed that can be achieved with an analog connection is 33.6K, so if you are connecting faster than that, remain digital. The dB information will probably have no effect in persuading the phone company to lay a new fiber-optic trunk to your house, but it can be a useful tool in diagnosing connection trouble