Life of Pi Thesis

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Essay Database > Literature > Creative Writing
In the novel Life of Pi, Yann Martel uses indirect characterization to portray how the harshest elements can bring out the most primal instincts in man, and the unexpected cooperation in the most primal of animals. This is used to symbolize the close similarities in the behavior of man and animal, although seemingly worlds apart at first glace. It is a constant switch between Pi's thoughts and Pi's actions that is needed to extend this …

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…of the actions of an animal, but will not change their true personality. Although Pi and Richard Parker changed their behavior in order to survive, they kept their same basic personalities throughout the journey. This shows that although man and animal may seem different in many ways, in the end they are both geared for survival, and although they change their actions quite often to adapt to their outside surroundings, their true selves are unchangeable.