Life of Al Capone

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Essay Database > Society & Culture > People
Imagine a city where gangster ruled. In the 1920s, Chicago was a town known for being controlled by its criminal element. Half of the police force was paid by mob rulers; illegal alcohol was flowing free in the streets during the Prohibition Era; and the fire of tommy guns was a familiar sound to everyone who lived in downtown Chicago. In the windy city, Al Capone was the epitome of a gangster whose lifestyle involved …

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…effects people today. In the the windy city, Al Capone was the epitome of a gangster whose lifestyle involved crime, prostitution, and bootlegged alcohol. Throughout his life, certain events helped shape Al into the worlds most famous gangster. In his youth, Al Capone already had started a life of crime which led to his being a notorious gangster as an adult; however, it was not his violence but his lifestyle that brought about his demise.