Leonardo da Vinci and Nikola Tesla

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Philosophy
According to Jean Jacque Rousseau, "The world of reality has its limits the world of imagination is boundless." By this, Rousseau indicates that without imagination, life would not be as ideal as it is now. As a result, a person who has no imagination in his life is dull. Two inventors, Leonardo da Vinci and Nikola Tesla through their inventions both men made significant contributions to the quality of man's life. Because of their unique …

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…this earth today can compare. <Tab/>In conclusion, although Rousseau did not have Leonardo da Vinci and Nikola Tesla in mind when he spoke he was correct to believe that imagination makes life happier, but he would mostly agree that both men had extraordinary imagination, which brought about improvements in modern life. Their inventions, achievements and unusual eccentricities made them both an extraordinary person in history. <Tab/>