Leonardo Da Vinci

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Essay Database > History > European History
The life of the extremely talented artist, and brilliant scientist, Leonardo da Vinci began on the date of April 15, 1452 during the Renaissance; in the town of Vinci, Italy. His parents were Peiro da Vinci, and a beautiful young woman named Caterina. From a very young age he discovered his artistic skills and became an apprentice to a famous Renaissance master. For many years he worked on very beautiful paintings for people such as Duke Lodovico …

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…thing that I find exceptional about him is that he combined his various skills and made them even stronger. Sometimes when he combined his artistic skills with his science knowledge to help him illustrate his scientific theories. He focused on so many areas and was so great in each one of them. When Leonardo da Vinci's wonderful life ended in 1514, many people mourned, because the life of a brilliant, and extremely talented man was over.