Leonardo Da Vinci

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Essay Database > History > European History
Leonardo Da Vinci created a new way of looking at machines. He figured out how to understand how each separate machine part worked, he could change them and put them together in different ways to make existing machines better or invent machines no one had ever seen before. Leonardo was the first one to write explanations of how machines work and how different of machines can be combined. His tremendous talents as an artist allowed …

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…his favorites was a machine that turns copper metal into strips of uniform size. Leonardo also completed another great painting of John the Baptist as a young man. Leonardo died on May 2, 1519 in Amboise. At this time Leonardo Da Vinci was 67 year old. His state of health was not the best, because Leonardo had a paralysis on the right side of his body since 1517 and Vasari told about an illness some weeks before Leonardo died.