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Essay Database > Literature > English
Karl Marx's theories on Communism had a major role in the influence of diplomicy and world politics. He believed and spoke that Communism was the third part of a continuum that started with Feudalism, then onto Capitalism, and finally ended with Communism. The major ideas of Karl Marx's theories were made up of a Central Government, which owns all, and controls each persons daily life. In a Marxist State there are no peersonal items and …

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…wage scale, and receive their minimum wage. These plans by Lenin's NEP allowed Russia to regain their stability. Lenin and the government, although still regulated the public utilities, banking, the transportation, and the heavy industry of the entire state. In conclusion, Lenin views are identical to the beliefs of Karl Marx. He said that Communism would be the third part of a continuum that began with Feudalism, proceeds into Capitalism, and finally ended with Communism.