Law- General Defences- Examining all the possible defences for some one charged with murder- Actus Reus and Mens Rea

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Essay Database > Law & Government > Law Issues
General Defences This is an assignment examining the general defences available to a person who is charged with a criminal offence. In this assignment I will establish to elements needed to be charged with a criminal offence, and how these elements have to be present for a person to be charged with an offence. Also looking how the lack of these elements works as a defence to the charges of a criminal offence. Firstly we …

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…she was killed youngsters with lethal doses of insulin. Lately there was a documentary on shown on BBC 2; this showed how Miss Allitt lives in her confinement. She had her own, private, unlocked room that boasted a television, video, hi-fi and brand new games station. This is very alarming that criminals that commit such horrific crimes live their lives out in such comforts because they were considered to be insane when they were on trial.