Labovian Theory in Poe. Soeaks of "The tell- tale-heart"

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Essay Database > Literature > English
The Labovian theory of a developed narrative contains six mandatory components. These components help the reader, or listener to a broader understanding of the thoughts and motivation of the internal narrator and the external storyteller. The abstract gives a representation about the story. The orientation draws a picture to familiarize the reader/listener of the necessary w's; who, what, when, where. The complicating action is the turn of events on which the story hinges. The …

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…that Poe uses the narrator to show how when both sense and reason are distorted, it causes a frighteningly erie effect on the individual. This being a sickly cold and meticulous obsession to control the perception of the senses. The narrator comments in the opening paragraphs, 'Passion there was none.' I leave you with this, if this man had acted in the fit of passion, would he still have been undone by the heart?