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Essay Database > Literature > North American
<Tab/>Krakatau, one of the most active volcanoes on Earth in the 20th century, is located between the islands of Java and Sumatra in the Sunda Strait of Indonesia. Located in the most active volcanic country in the world, Krakatau is not only one of the most deadly volcanoes ever, but continues to be one of the most publicized, monitored volcanoes in the world. Although thousands of people have died from …

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…energy produced by the United States In one year. In comparison, the Tambora eruption produced 840,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 ergs of work more than 800 times that of the Krakatau eruption. <Tab/>Truly, there are very few eruptions which are comparable to that of Krakatau, even though there are methods of predicting volcano eruptions, there is nothing that is capable of containing or preventing another eruption like that of 1883, which led to the deaths of 36,000 people.