Korean Weddings

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Essay Database > Literature > English
The Engagement Before the engagement, the Koreans would exchange the eight characters or four pillars. This will determine if the match is suitable. When this process is over, they will call for a local fortuneteller to see if the couple could live in harmony. The Korean call this Kung-hap. Afterwards, during the engagement, gifts would be delivered to the bride and groom the day before the wedding. Friends of the groom would then blacken their …

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…noodles that have been added to a clear beef broth. They then garnish it with vegetables and eggs. The wedding dessert includes dok, which is a sticky rice cake that comes in different forms, it is sweetened and filled with bean paste then dotted with sesame seeds. Another dessert is yak shik, a sticky rice ball that is sweetened with brown sugar and sprinkled with chestnuts jujubes. raisins and peanuts as a symbol of children.