Koran to the New Testament

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Essay Database > Society & Culture > Religion
The purpose of this study is to examine the beliefs and practices of Islam, comparing these to the Bible. A Brief Summary of Islam "Islam" is the proper term for the religion revealed by Mohammed in Arabia in the early 600's. "Islam" means "submission" (to the will of God). Adherents are called Moslems ("one who submits"). Arabians are descendants of Ishmael, so Islam claims to be a renewal of the ancient religion of Abraham traced …

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…To believe that Jesus was just a great man and a prophet is to belittle Him and to deny His own statements. To believe some other man was greater than Jesus is to blaspheme Him. If Jesus spoke the truth, then He was more than a prophet. Moslems must either admit that Jesus was the Divine Son of God, or else they must admit they do not believe that Jesus and the Bible are true.