Knee surgery

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Essay Database > Science & Technology
Knee surgery It was my first practice for the 1994 wrestling season. Even after the long football schedule, I felt at home down in the wrestling room. The familiar scent of stale sweat filled my nostrils as I began to practice. I had been drilling for thirty minutes when "POP" my knee buckled; I dropped to the ground writhing in pain. My knee was locked and my teammates had to carry me off of the mat. …

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…school while maintaining good grades. And it was perseverance that helped me to complete preseason football workouts which began on cold January mornings and concluded with double-days in the August heat. Not only do I intend to bring these same qualities to Loyola Marymount University if accepted, but I also look forward to the new experiences that will develop within me the traits and qualities needed to fulfill the Jesuit motto, "a man for others."