King Lear

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Essay Database > Literature > English
I found the first act of King Lear to be interesting, unexpectedly so. In reading the introduction, I was under the impression that this story would be dull and slow to develop. Imagine my shock when the main event happened within a few moments. I found three major events in the first act: King Lear tests his daughter's love, King Lear banishes Cordelia, and the King of France proclaims his love for Cordelia. When King …

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…had a clearer picture of what was happening in the palace. In all, I found this act more captivating than expected, and am impatient to continue reading. I enjoyed Shakespeare's use of foreshadowing in the first scene. I also enjoy his use of the fool's character to make the King feel foolish as well as think on some of his mistakes. It seems like the King and the fool will have quite an interesting friendship.