King Lear

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Pages: 13
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Essay Database > Literature > European Literature
'King Lear' is acknowledged to be one of the great tragedies in literature and the finest of Shakespeare's tragedies. To go into it deeply is a stimulating and exciting intellectual experience, and a closer acquaintance with the play opens up insights not just into the life the life and times of Shakespeare but, because of the play's universality (applies to every time period, climate & nation), into everyday life here and now. We have …

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…Regan are naturally evil. There is no obvious reason why they have hard and evil hearts. However it is Lear who causes the thunder by allowing the hard hearts an easy reign. We must conclude that nature reflects the mistakes of man in 'King Lear'. And when man stoops to folly, the natural order is easily destroyed, so that poor, innocent Cordelia, wherently (basically) good and virtuous, suffers with the wicked. King Lear - Shakespeare