Juvenile Delinquency

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Pages: 4
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Essay Database > History > European History
The two websites I found that promote community involvement in the prevention of juvenile delinquency are http://www.uncjin.org/Standards/Rules/r12/r12.html and http://www.safeyouth.org/scripts/teens/docs/community.pdf. The first website discusses the fundamental principles, scope of the guidelines, general principles and socialization processes of juvenile delinquency prevention. Their beliefs are that juveniles can develop non-criminal attitudes "by engaging in lawful, socially useful activities and adopting a humanistic …

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…of the juveniles so they won't fall behind in school. In conclusion, I would like to add that for juveniles that have already become delinquent, there are programs to help prevent them from committing future delinquent acts. Probation services are provided through juvenile courts to help provide guidance for juvenile delinquents. The more progressive institutions for juveniles attempt to provide treatment programs for offenders. These treatment programs provide work experiences, counseling, education, and group therapy.