Juvenile Crime Control Act

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Essay Database > Law & Government > Government & Politics
I chose correctional social work because it is my goal to work within the legal system, mainly with juveniles; perhaps in a detention center or a rehabilitation center for dysfunctional children. Hopefully by researching some legislation in this area, I will be able to gain a greater understanding for how the system works and what to be prepared for in the future. The act that I chose to look at an act that involves the …

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…Juvenile Crime Act of 1997 also sets out requirements for separate facilities for juvenile offenders convicted of felony crimes. It sets out provisions for grants to build, expand, renovate, or operate temporary or permanent juvenile correction or detention facilities, hire additional juvenile judges, probation officers, court-appointed defenders, and prosecutors, provide funding for technology, equipment, and training to assist prosecutors in identifying and expediting the prosecution of violent juvenile offenders, and establish drug court programs for juveniles.